My work Senses of a blind is in a group exhibition called ValoKuvA II in Helsinki in Kuva/Tila gallery (merimiehenkatu 36). These photos here are
stills from that work. The exhibition will be on until 20.4.2014 and doors are open tuesday-sunday 11-18. My work is photo collection projected on
wall in a dark room. Duration is 04:56 and sounds are made by Simon Spurrier.
ValoKuvA II is group exhibition by the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts students who are using photography in their working practices. The exhibition is
led by artist Marko Vuokola. All the artists are Jani Anders Purhonen, Paula Saraste, Mikael Kinanen, Monika Czyżyk, Sampo Apajalahti, Tatu Gustafsson,
Hertta Kiiski, Andrey Bogush, Felicia Honkasalo, Reija Meriläinen, J. A. Juvani, Hàohsīn Chāng, Katriina Rosavaara, Saku Soukka, Titta Aaltonen,
Vilinka Kätkö, Tero Niskanen, Pati Petrykowska, Artor Jesus Inkerö and Antti Immonen.